Forgreninger is a research project/my post doc project from the Lab for Sustainability, DSKD. Based on the rich archive of the founder of Geografisk Have Aksel Olsen (which contains a wealth of evocative photographs and detailed botanical illustrations), we investigated how stories from the past can inspire sustainable and ecological action in the future. The intention was to make sustainability issues concrete via direct engagement with archival material from the past that focuses on human and plant relationships. The project was completed in the summer of 2022 with a co-curated exhibition in collaboration with Geografisk Have, Kolding Green Streets and Nicolai Kultur, as well as Kolding Stadsarkiv.


Forgreninger er et forskningsprojekt/mit post doc projekt fra Lab for Bæredygtighed, Designskolen Kolding i samarbejde med Kolding Stadsarkiv. Med udgangspunkt i et specifikt arkiv fra grundlæggeren af ​​Geografisk Have Aksel Olsen undersøgte vi, hvordan historier fra fortiden kan inspirere til bæredygtig og økologisk handling i fremtiden. Hensigten var at gøre bæredygtighedsspørgsmål konkrete via direkte engagement med arkivmateriale fra fortiden, der fokuserer på menneske- og planteforhold. Projektet blev afsluttet i sommeren 2022 med en co-kurateret udstilling i samarbejde med Geografisk Have, Kolding Green Streets og Nicolai Kultur, samt Kolding Stadsarkiv.
